Recently, writer Gray Chapman reached out to me:
“I’m working on an article for SELF about overcoming gym anxiety, especially for women who are nervous about navigating the weight room.”
Not only do I work with several clients who have anxiety, but I personally have a wicked case of the busy-brained-what-ifs-stress-about-everything general anxiety disorder myself.
I think it started around age 6 when my brother began pushing my head under water in the swimming pool and sitting on it. Who really knows?
ANYWAY, Gray asked for my advice on overcoming that whole “I’m not supposed to be here” feeling of walking into a weight room and being surrounded by bros.
So I’m sure you’ll find it surprising, but I HAVE MANY OPINIONS ON THIS!
I yearn for the day that everyone feels safe and confident walking into the free weights area of a gym;
A day when we can deadlift heavy at Crunch without a dude standing a few feet away and staring creepily.
Someday, personal trainers won’t hit on gym members while also trying to sell them a package of training sessions.
I dream that we can show up to train feeling comfortable & thinking to ourselves…
Check out this amazing article written by Gray Chapman for
YO’S TRULY is quoted a few times
And if this piece gets printed in the real-life SELF Magazine…
Ya’ll better look out:
Because I will have an awkward dance party right there next to the greeting cards at Publix.
Enjoy the article! And next time you’re anxious about entering the weight room, just channel your inner Kelis for some extra confidence: